If spiders make you squirm then don’t go any farther! The boys came running in to my room saying, “Daddy you have got to see this!” They took me out to the front porch to find this. It’s a momma wolf spider with tiny little babies all over her back! I’ve seen this before but they thought this was the coolest thing. Imagine being on your belly in a tight crawl space and seeing one bigger than this on the interior foundation wall (minus the babies). Been there. More than once. Earlier this summer I counted six of these things on our front porch at night. They hang out under the lights and catch the poor unfortunate bugs that fall down from flying around the lights. Luke decided to get some shots too.
On a side note, Luke is holding a plastic bag containing a fungus called “elegant stinkhorn.” We found it growing in the yard (I’ve seen this before too) and of course he wanted to keep it. It lived up to its name though and we had to promptly throw it away due to it smelling through the sealed bag! I love having boys. : )
October 18th, 2009 at 12:58 pm
oh. my. gosh. That is absolutely ridiculous.
October 20th, 2009 at 2:35 am
Don’t tell the boys, but we smooshed one of those things on our front porch in FL and the babies went crawling everywhere. It was at night and the girls were already in bed and there was NO WAY I was leaving that thing on my porch, right by the front door, just so they could see it the next day. We have plenty of spiders here they can look at, anyway.
October 20th, 2009 at 3:55 pm
@ Erin: Ha! Jatana asked me what I did with it. I told her I just left it there. : ) We looked for it later and it was no where to be found. It reminds me of the story Neal used to tell where he was waking up and when he cracked open one of his eyes he saw an out of focus spider body sitting on his eye. Hilarious!