Big Kid Portraits

Here are a few of my favorites from a portrait session I did this past August. Yes it was really hot! Mitchell was a trooper though. I don’t know how his hair stayed dry for as long as it did. He and his brother Seth are both gifted musically and it has been cool shooting them with their instruments.  All of these were shot outside on location including the last two. Thanks to my lovely wife Jatana for assisting with the lights.

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

Child Portraits - Scott Clevenger Photography

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