Nov 4 2010

Sarah and Ryan

Sarah and Ryan were troopers for running around to multiple locations in Raleigh to shoot their engagement photos. We had a good time though and got some cool shots as well. As we were finishing up we had an encounter with a local rapper. He asked for a card but I haven’t heard from him yet. I’ll be sure to post about it if/when I do. I can’t wait to shoot Sarah and Ryan’s wedding at The Rand-Bryan House later this month. Check out a few of my favorites from their e-session below.

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Sarah and Ryan Engagement Photos by Scott Clevenger Photography

Oct 4 2010

Bike Fest 2010

It seems like a distant memory now but we had a blast at the 2010 Capital City Bike Fest! I can’t even remember how many times I walked up and down Fayetteville St. shooting photos. Vans shoes may be great for gripping BMX pedals but they are not made for walking! We were exhausted on Sunday. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to check us out and a big thanks to Mike who helped us set up and tear down!

One of my favorite opportunities of the weekend was participating in the Patriot Ride on Friday. I got to ride in the limo with two combat wounded vets and shoot pictures of the long line of bikes through the limo sunroof! Very cool. Check out a few of my favorites from the weekend below.

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 01 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 02 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 03 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 04 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 05 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 06 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 07 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 08 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 09 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 10 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 11 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 12 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 13 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 14 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 15 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 16 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 17 - Scott Clevenger Photography

2010 Capital City Bike Fest 18 - Scott Clevenger Photography

Sep 22 2010

Mike’s Bike

In preparation for the upcoming Capital City Bike Fest we got some shots of Mike’s Sportster. I have a few shots of him with the bike but since he won the Sportster class at the Ray Price open house earlier this year I thought it would be cool to shoot just the bike. The changes to his bike are subtle but make a big difference compared to a stock bike. If you are into motorcycles you should check out the event this weekend in downtown Raleigh. Stop by our booth and say hi. Jatana will be there at least. I’ll be running around taking pictures.

Sep 10 2010

RA Slip’N Slide

If you have boys then you know they have some energy. Lots of energy! What better way to burn off some of that energy than getting a bunch of them together with a home made (the best kind) slip’n slide. First Baptist Garner Royal Ambassadors kicked off the new year with a slip’n slide on church campus.  I think they had fun. :)

For those not familiar with RAs, it’s a missions based group for boys in 1st through 5th grade. We do fun things like camping, fishing, and other outdoor activities all while learning about missions and reaching people at home and abroad with the gospel of Christ. If you have a boy that might be interested feel free to get in touch with me or come check us out on Wednesday nights at First Baptist in Garner (there’s also a group for the girls called GAs).

Aug 25 2010

1st Day of 2nd Grade!

I can’t believe the summer is almost over and we have a second grader! We are so thankful he enjoys going to school (most of the time).

And there’s Andrew. His preschool starts next week. I didn’t get a shot of it but when he got back in the van after dropping off Luke he was real quiet and a little sad. So sweet.