’49 Ford
1950 Ford Woody
I’ve been wanting to try this for a while now and with the help of my friend Todd I finally got to it. I had been searching for a while to find a good location when I came across this strip of road that had a double yellow line and more importantly no traffic. I wanted to try this so bad I was actually considering getting all my settings on the camera and lights and then having Todd zoom by ;) on a not so busy street, shoot a few frames and then move everything while trying to avoid traffic. There’s no way it would have worked. I’m glad I found an alternative. (click on an image to see the big version)
Roy Lee
If you have ever been to the Dunn-Benson Dragstrip then you have probably seen this dude. He used to own it. He’s a long time friend of my wife’s family. I met up with him and my brother-in-law at his shop to get a few shots for my booth at the Ray Price open house next month. The area behind his shop has a bunch of older cars that have been parted out which made for a cool background for the photos. I think the best part was he had a story behind every car there. The kind of story only a long time car guy could tell. It was great.